
Academic Lectures

Academic Lectures

Recent Talks - Selected Invited Talks in Conferences/Forums (2016~)

  * (11/22/24) 내분비 R&D 네트워킹 연구회(ERNS) 심포지움 - 초청강연
"Current status in BCI in clinical application in human disease"
  * (10/05/24) 대한신경조절학회 심포지움 - 초청강연
"Computational methods and tools for customized transcranial electrical stimulation"
  * (09/25/24) International Workshop on Temporal Interference Stimulation (London, UK) - Invited Talk
"Modelling multipolar, personalised, and epidural TI stimulation"
  * (08/28/24) 한국언어청각임상학회 추계학술대회 - 기조강연
"인공지능을 이용한 침묵발화 및 상상발화 인식"
  * (08/31/24) 대한뇌기능매핑학회 Summer School 춘계학술대회 - Invited Lecture
"EEG Analysis with Deep Learning"
  * (08/28/24) 대한뇌파신경생리학회 뇌파스쿨 - Tutorial
"Recent Trends in Advanced EEG Analysis"
  * (08/24/24) 대한뇌조절학회 춘계학술대회 - Invited Talk
"Recent Advances in Transcranial Current Stimulation"
  * (06/05/24) 대한재활복지공학회 춘계학술대회 - Invited Lecture
"AI-based Silent Speech Interfaces for Patients with Vocal Impairments"
  * (05/23/24) 한국바이오칩학회 춘계학술대회 - Invited Lecture
"생체신호를 이용한 인간-컴퓨터 인터페이스"
  * (05/09/24) 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회 - Tutorial
"초심자를 위한 MATLAB의 기초"
  * (02/28/24) 한국뇌공학회 동계학술대회 - Invited Lecture
"Speech Synthesis from Neural Signals Using Deep Neural Networks"
  * (02/25/24) 대한뇌자극학회 춘계학술대회 - Plenary Lecture
"Recent Advances in transcranial electrical stimulation"
  * (12/20/23) AMIST 종합학술대회 - Plenary Lecture
"Silent Speech Interfaces for the Communication of the Disabled"
  * (11/10/23) 대한신경과학회 추계학술대회 - Presidential Lecture
"AI for Brain, Brain for AI"
  * (11/16/23) 한국자동차공학회 추계학술대회 - 초청 강연
"신경신호를 이용한 멀미 정량화 연구"
  * (11/10/23) 대한신경과학회 추계학술대회 - Presidential Lecture
"AI for Brain, Brain for AI"
  * (07/15/23) 대한뇌파신경생리학회 뇌파스쿨 - Tutorial
"뇌파 분석의 최신 연구 동향"
  * (05/25/23) 한국뇌인지과학회 춘계학술대회 - Tutorial
"뇌파 분석을 위한 TIP과 비침습적 뇌전기자극 소개"
  * (03/25/23) 한국유아교육학회 춘계학술대회 - 기조 강연
"뇌과학과 인공지능이 바꿀 교육의 미래"
  * (01/28/23) 대한뇌파연구회 워크숍 - 초청 강연
"Recent Updates on Deep Learning-based EEG Analysis"
  * (12/02/22) 대한뇌파신경생리학회 추계학술대회 - 초청 강연
"Transfer Learning for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces"
  * (11/04/22) 대한의용생체공학회 추계학술대회 - 초청 강연
"Transfer Learning for EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces"
  * (10/08/22) 대한신경정신의학회 추계학술대회 - 초청 강연
"디지털 전환과 공학기술의 발전방향"
  * (08/26/22) 대한뇌기능매핑학회 여름학교 - 초청 강연
"Deep-learning-based EEG analysis: basics and recent updates"
  * (08/24/22) 한국정보통신설비학회 하계학술대회 - 초청 강연
"Novel Signal-to-signal Translation Method to Generate Artificial EEG for SSVEP-based BCIs"
  * (08/13/22) 대한의료인공지능학회 여름학교 - 초청 강연
"Deep-learning-based EEG analysis"
  * (05/14/22) 대한의용생체공학회 춘계학술대회 - 초청 강연
"Biosignal-based Digital Mental Healthcare"
  * (02/15/22) 한국계산뇌과학회 겨울학교 - 초청 강연
"Deep-learning-based EEG analysis: basics and recent updates"
  * (12/02/21) 대한뇌파신경생리학회 연례학술대회 워크숍 - 초청 강연
"뇌파 데이터의 딥러닝 분석을 위한 기초 이론"
  * (11/26/21) 한국정보통신설비학회 추계학술대회 - 기조강연
"XR-기반 메타버스 몰입도 향상을 위한 생체신호 인터페이스 기술"
  * (11/03/21) 9th Asan International Biomedical Engineering Symposium - 초청 강연
"Noninvasive Brain-Computer Interfaces for Communication and Control"
  * (10/16/21) 대한뇌신경재활학회 추계학술대회 - 초청강연
"EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces as an Assitive Technology for Locked-in Patients"
  * (08/28/21) 한국정보통신설비학회 춘계학술대회 - 초청강연
"VR 메타버스를 위한 생체신호 인터페이스 기술"
  * (08/19/21) 한국뇌공학회 연례 워크숍 - 초청강연
"Recent Updates on the Deep Brain Modulation with Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation"
  * (05/27/21) 한국재활로봇학회 춘계학술대회 - 초청강연
"감금증후군 환자의 재활 및 생활 보조를 위한 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 기술"
  * (03/06/21) BWave 뇌파 응용 세미나 - 초청강연
"뇌파와 공학 - 뇌파를 어떻게 활용할 수 있나요?"
  * (12/15/20) 신경두경부영상의학과 송년심포지움 - 초청강연
"뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스 - 아바타의 세상으로"
  * (11/12/20) 대한의용생체공학회 추계학술대회 - 초청강연
"Human-Machine Interfaces Based on Electrophysiological Signals Recorded around the Eyes"
  * (07/10/20) 대한신경정신의학회 연례학술대회 - 초청강연
"EEG의 AI 적용에 대한 최신 지견"
  * (12/05/19) International Conference on U-Healthcare 2019 - 초청강연
"EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces for the Communication of Patients with Locked-in Syndrome"
  * (10/18/19) 대한임상신경생리학회 추계학술대회 - 초청강연
"Graph Theory and Network Analysis"
  * (08/29/19) 한국뇌공학회 Summer School - 초청강연
"Transcranial Current Stimulation (tCS): from Basics to Applications
  * (07/13/19) 대한신경집중치료학회 춘계학술대회 - 초청강연
"신경계 손상환자의 재활 및 의사소통을 위한 뇌-컴퓨터 인터페이스"
  * (06/03/19) IAS Workshop on Neural Engineering and Rehabilitation, Hong Kong - 초청강연
"EEG-based Brain-Computer Interfaces for the Communication of Patients with Locked-in Syndrome"
  * (12/01/18) 인지중재치료학회 연례학술대회 - 초청강연
"qEEG에 대한 이해"
  * (11/30/18) 대한뇌파신경생리학회 연례학술대회 워크숍 - 초청강연
"뇌파 신호처리의 기초 이론"
  * (11/02/18) 대한불안의학회 추계학술대회 - 기조강연
"뇌공학의 현재와 미래"
  * (07/10/17) APSIPA BioSiPS International Workshop on Biosignal Processing, Gwangju - Invited Talk
"Biosignal-based Human-Computer Interface for Communication and Control"
  * (04/13/17) 대한신경정신학회 연례학술대회 - 기조강연
"Brain-Computer Interfaces for Communication of Patients with ALS"
  * (01/11/17) H+Tech Symposium on Brain-Computer Interface, Beijing, China - Invited Talk
"Towards Personalized Transcranial Current Stimulation (tCS)"
  * (12/02/16) 한국정신신체의학회 연례학술대회 - 초청강연
"Cortical Generators and EEG Voltage Fields"
  * (11/26/16) 대한뇌파신경생리학회 연례학술대회 - 초청강연
"EEG-based Neurocinematics and Massive Hyperscanning for Studying Multi-Brain Interaction"
  * (07/06/16) International Conference on Computational Neuroscience - (Workshop) Invited Talk
"Clinical Feasibility of Brain-Computer Interfaces Based on SSVEP in Patients with Locked-in Syndrome"

Recent Talks - Other Seminars and Workshops (2016~)

  * (11/26/24) Samsung Medical Center Research-Centered Hospital Workshop  - Invited Lecture
  * (11/21/24) Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology  - Invited Seminar
  * (10/23/24) Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology  - Invited Seminar
  * (09/09/24) Ajou Medical Center AIAI Symposium  - Invited Talk
  * (07/19/24) Samsung Medical Center  - Invited Seminar
  * (07/18/24) Yonsei University Medical Device Center Symposium  - Invited Seminar
  * (02/21/24) Korea Standard Association  - Invited Seminar
  * (11/14/23) Hyundai Motor Company  - Invited Seminar
  * (07/26/23) Study Group for Artificial Vision - Invited Seminar
  * (05/23/23) LG Electronics - Invited Seminar
  * (04/21/23) Samsung Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - Invited Seminar
  * (03/31/23) CogTable, Korea Society for Cognitive Sciences - Invited Seminar
  * (11/15/22) g.tec Master Class on Neurotechnology - Invited Seminar
  * (11/03/22) Dept. Brain Sciences, Ewha W. University - Invited Lecture
  * (09/27/22) Medical Fusion Seminar, Hanyang University - Invited Seminar
  * (04/05/22) Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Seoul National University - Invited Lecture
  * (03/22/22) Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI), Korea - Invited Lecture 
  * (03/21/22) Grad. School of AI Fusion Technology, Hanyang University - Invited Lecture
  * (03/12/22) Korea Biomedical Engineering Student Association - Invited Lecture
  * (03/10/22) Research Group for Neuroethics - Invited Lecture
  * (03/08/22) KAIST Grad. School of Culture & Technology - Invited Lecture
  * (02/16/22) Law School, Chungnam National University - Invited Lecture
  * (01/27/22) Hyundai Motor Company (Application of Brain Engineering to Mobility) - Invited Lecture
  * (12/17/21) Samsung Electronics, Advanced Technology Institute - Invited Seminar
  * (11/18/21) Special Lecture for Biomedical Scientists and Engineers in Seoul Natl Univ - Invited Lecture
  * (11/03/21) Bio Fusion Seminar, HYU, Seoul - Invited Lecture
  * (10/06/21) Dept. Creative Fusion IT, Postech - Invited Lecture
  * (07/08/21) Hanyang Innovation Award Contest - Invited Seminar
  * (06/11/21) Hanwha Systems, Research Center - Invited Seminar
  * (06/10/21) Hyundai Mobis, BCI Research Group - Invited Lecture
  * (05/11/21) Hyundai Motor Company Advanced Technology Institute - Invited Lecture
  * (04/12/21) KEIT Study Group for New Education Service - Invited Lecture
  * (04/07/21) Korean Human Brain Mapping Society Conference - Educational Workshop Lecture
  * (02/10/21) Institute of Basic Science (IBS), Daejeon, Korea - Invited Lecture
  * (02/01/21) AI Solution Center, Hanyang University, Seoul - Invited Seminar
  * (12/18/20) Special Workshop at Korean Brain Research Institute - Invited Talk
  * (12/03/20) Workshop on Digital New Deal, ITFE, Seoul - Invited Talk
  * (11/06/20) Fall Conf. of Korean Human Brain Mapping Society - Invited Lecture
  * (11/04/20) Bioconvergence Seminar, HYU, Seoul - Invited Seminar
  * (09/24/20) Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute (ETRI), Korea - Invited Lecture
  * (09/22/20) Engineering Research Center, Kookmin University, Seoul, Korea - Invited Seminar
  * (09/21/20) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Chonnam National University - Invited Lecture
  * (09/16/20) ZENA, Co., Seoul, Korea - Invited Lecture
  * (09/09/20) BCS for Adaptive Intelligence, SNU, Seoul - Invited Lecture
  * (09/09/20) Korea Brain Research Institute - Invited Seminar
  * (09/09/20) Korea Broadcasting Advertisement Corporation (KOBACO) - Invited Seminar
  * (09/08/20) Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology - Invited Seminar
  * (07/15/20) HYU AI Research Center & HYUMC Joint Meeting - Seminar
  * (07/09/20) BCI Technical Exchange Meeting @ Kyungju Hilton Hotel - Seminar
  * (06/17/20) Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) - Invited Lecture
  * (06/15/20) Forum on Post-Corona Untact Service Held by KEIT - Invited Lecture
  * (06/12/20) Annual CECLab EEG Workshop, Ilsan Paik Hospital - Invited Lecture
  * (05/21/20) College of Liberal Studies, Seoul National University - Invited Lecture
  * (04/22/20) Bio-Fusion Seminar, Hanyang University - Invited Lecture
  * (04/13/20) Special Lecture Series of HYU BME - Invited Lecture
  * (02/03/20) Winter School of Korean Society for Computational Neuroscience - Invited Lecture
  * (12/20/19) Hanyang R&D Idea Contest, Seoul - Invited Seminar
  * (11/29/19) Department of Cognomechatronics, Pusan National Univ., Pusan - Invited Lecture
  * (11/28/19) Special Lecture on Brain Engineering @ MSIT, Sejong - Invited Lecture
  * (11/14/19) Workshop on Brain-Machine Interfaces @ SNUH, Seoul - Invited Talk
  * (11/13/19) Special Lecture on AI Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders @ SNUH, Seoul - Invited Lecture
  * (07/12/19) Research Center of Hyundai Motors Co., Seoul - Invited Lecture
  * (06/26/19) Workshop on Brain-Computer Interfaces, Jeju Island - Invited Seminar
  * (06/07/19) Workshop on EEG Analysis @ HYU - Workshop Host & Lecture
  * (06/01/19) Annual CEC Lab Workshop on EEG - Invited Lecture
  * (05/21/19) The 2nd HYU Innovation Award - Seminar
  * (05/09/19) Annual Spring Conference of KOSOMBE - Tutorial Lecture
  * (04/20/19) Annual Conference of Korea Society of Cardiology - Invited Lecture
  * (04/19/19) Regular Meeting of Society for Neuroethics, Seoul - Invited Lecture
  * (04/01/19) Special Lecture Series of HYU BME - Invited Lecture
  * (12/08/18) Workshop on Computational EEG Analysis - Workshop Host & Lecture
  * (12/08/17) CEC Lab, Ilsan Paik Hospital, Ilsan, Korea - Invited Lecture
  * (08/21/17) Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California, Irvine, USA - Invited Seminar
  * (07/13/17) Symposium on Biosignal-Based HCI, IEEE-EMBC, Jeju - Symposium Organizer & Talk
  * (07/07/17) Workshop on Understanding and Applications of EEG, Seoul - Invited Lecture
  * (06/29/17) Samsung Future Technology Foundation, Seoul - Invited Talk
  * (06/15/17) Department of Brain & Bio Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon - Invited Lecture
  * (06/10/17) CEC Lab Workshop on EEG, Goyang - Invited Lecture
  * (06/08/17) Workshop on New Methods for Interventing Ocular Diseases, Seoul - Invited Seminar
  * (06/02/17) Workshop on Brain-Computer Interfaces, Namhae - Invited Seminar
  * (05/30/17) Special Lecture on Brain Engineering for Financial Specialists, Seoul - Invited Lecture
  * (05/25/17) Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul - Invited Talk
  * (04/25/17) Dept. EE., Caltech, USA - Invited Seminar
  * (04/20/17) LG Electronics Research Center, Seoul - Invited Seminar
  * (02/24/17) Biomagnetics Korea, Seoul National University Hospital - Invited Lecture
  * (02/23/17) Korea UI/UX Innovation 2017, Seoul - Invited Lecture
  * (01/18/17) Dept. Neurosci., University College London, London, UK - Invited Seminar
  * (01/10/17) TusPark, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China - Invited Seminar
  * (01/06/17) Educational Workshop on EEG: Basics and Applications - Workshop Host
  * (12/20/16) Agency for Defense Development, Daejeon - Invited Seminar
  * (12/15/16) Workshop on Transhuman Studies, STEPI, Korea - Invited Seminar
  * (11/30/16) UX Shock 2017 - Interaction of the 4th Industrial Revolution, Seoul - Invited Talk
  * (11/22/16) Research Cetner of Hyundai-Kia Motors - Invited Lecture
  * (11/18/16) Asan Biomedical Symposium, Asan Medical Center, Seoul - Invited Lecture
  * (11/17/16) Sangsang University, KT&G - Invited Lecture
  * (10/30/16) Special Lecture Series at Gwacheon National Science Museum - Invited Lecture
  * (10/29/16) Sci-Fi CinemaTalk, Future Dreaming SF Festival - Invited Panel Discussion
  * (10/26/16) Department of Bioengineering, Seoul National University - Invited Lecture
  * (10/22/16) Special Lecture on Brain Engineering, Seoul Science Park - Invited Lecture
  * (10/19/16) Technology for Sustainable Development, Hanyang University - Invited Lecture
  * (10/19/16) International Conference on Control, Automation, and Systems, Gyeongju - Invited Talk
  * (10/18/16) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Ulsan University - Invited Lecture
  * (10/07/16) Practice in Development of Medical Devices, HYU - Invited Lecture
  * (09/29/16) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Konyang University, Daejeon  - Invited Lecture
  * (09/27/16) KIST Inistitute-University Fusion Conference, Seoul, Korea - Invited Talk
  * (09/21/16) Department of Neurology, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea - Invited Lecture
  * (08/03/16) Dept. Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota, USA - Invited Seminar
  * (07/27/16) Dept. Psychology, University of Minnesota, USA - Invited Seminar
  * (07/08/16) Hanyang Neuroscience Forum, HYU - Panel Discussion
  * (07/02/16) Dept. Adolescent Education, Korea National Open University - Invited Lecture
  * (06/27/16) CNRS (French National Research Institute), Grenoble, France - Invited Seminar
  * (06/24/16) Neuroscience Group, University College London, UK - Invited Seminar
  * (06/18/16) Annual CEC Lab Workshop on EEG Analysis, KINTEX - Invited Lecture
  * (05/06/16) Workshop on EEG Analysis, KHBM Annual Conference - Workshop Host & Lecture
  * (04/21/16) SoSo Inc., Daegu - Invited Lecture
  * (04/01/16) Dept. Info. Comm. Tech., Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology - Invited Lecture
  * (02/18/16) TFT for Research Planning of Convergence BIO Study - Invited Talk
  * (01/29/16) Workshop on Convergence Research Center, SNU  - Invited Seminar
  * (01/26/16) Regular Forum, Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning - Invited Seminar
  * (01/11/16) Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University - Invited Seminar
  * (01/06/16) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Korea University - Invited Seminar

List of Talks before 2016

  * (12/17/15) Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Changwon - Invited Seminar
  * (12/11/15) Department of Psychology, Korea University - Invited Lecture
  * (11/13/15) International Biomedical Engineering Conference (IBEC 2015), Kyeongju - Invited Talk
  * (11/11/15) Samsung Electronics DMC Research Center, Suwon - Invited Seminar
  * (10/31/15) Annual Conference of Korea EEG and Neurophysiology Society - Tutorial Lecture
  * (10/27/15) SK Future Technology Forum - Invited Seminar
  * (10/21/15) Symposium of HYU-KIST Future Researcher Support Program, KIST, Seoul, Korea - Invited Seminar
  * (10/20/15) Department of Neurosurgery, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University - Invited Seminar
  * (10/16/15) International Forum on functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (Pusan) - Invited Talk
  * (10/10/15) Workshop on Convergence Research, SNU - Invited Talk
  * (10/05/15) Seminar on Brain-Machine Interfaces, Seoul National University Hospital - Invited Seminar
  * (09/22/15) Neurology Grand Round (NGR), Seoul Asan Hospital - Invited Lecture
  * (08/20/15) Workshop for EEG and Neurophysiology Study Group - Invited Lecture
  * (08/19/15) Ann. Conf. Korea Society for Computational Neurosci - Session/Panel Organizer, Workshop Host
  * (07/25/15) Korean Society for Schizophrenia Research, Fellowship Education - Invited Lecture
  * (07/04/15) Annual CEC Lab Workshop on qEEG Analysis - Invited Lecture (workshop co-host)
  * (07/02/15) BIONICS 2015, CoEX, Seoul - Invited Talk
  * (07/01/15) Seoul National University, Nano IP Enterprise Program - Invited Lecture
  * (06/17/15) Ewha Womans University, Graduate School of Music Therapy - Invited Lecture
  * (06/12/15) Workshop on ERP and qEEG, UNIST - Invited Lecture
  * (06/10/15) International Association of Rotary Clubs, Chosun Hotel - Invited Lecture
  * (05/31/15) The 10th Asian Control Conference 2015 (ASCC 2015) - Invited Talk
  * (05/22/15) Workshop held by Hanyang University R&SD Center - Invited Talk
  * (05/22/15) International Conference on Well-Aging Technology, Pusan - Invited Talk
  * (05/16/15) Clinical EEG TFT Symposium Organized by KNPA - Invited Lecture
  * (04/04/15) Symposium of Korean Neuropsychiatry Society - Invited Talk
  * (03/16/15) Brain Awareness Week, Hanyang University - Invited Lecture
  * (03/07/15) Creative Science Research Institute, Sungkyunkwan University - Invited Lecture
  * (02/26/15) Annual Workshop, Biomagnetics Korea 2015 - Invited Talk
  * (02/03/15) Winter School of Korean Computational Neuroscience Society - Invited Talk
  * (02/02/15) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Ulsan University - Invited Seminar
  * (01/30/15) Winter Workshop, Korea EEG Society, Seoul - Invited Talk/Discussion Panel
  * (01/22/15) Software Convergence Symposium 2015, Seoul - Invited Talk
  * (01/14/15) Cognitive Science Forum, Congress of Korea - Panel Discussion
  * (12/23/14) Dept. Neurophychiatry, Seoul National University Hospital - Invited Lecture
  * (12/15/14) Dept. Fusion Medical Sciences, Asan Medical Center, Seoul - Invited Lecture
  * (12/12/14) Korea Society for Computational Neuroscience, Workshop - Invited Seminar
  * (11/23/14) Advanced Neuroscan School 2014, KAIST Seoul Campus - Invited Lecture
  * (11/20/14) International Biomedical Engineering Conference (IBEC2014), Gwangju, Korea - Tutorial Lecture
  * (11/07/14) Korean Human Brain Mapping Society Annual Conference - Invited Talk
  * (11/05/14) Next-Generation HYU Fusion Medical Technology Seminar - Invited Seminar
  * (10/23/14) Fusion Medical Technology Forum @ HYU - Invited Talk
  * (10/17/14) Annual Symposium of Korea EEG Society, SNUH - Invited Talk
  * (09/26/14) EEG Workshop Series  - sLORETA Workshop, HYU - Workshop Host and Special Lecture
  * (09/24/14) Neuro@noon, Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research, IBS, Sungkyunkwan University - Invited Seminar
  * (09/22/14) 3rd Hanyang Biomedical Engineering Symposium - Invited Talk
  * (08/31/14) Symposium on Amyotrophic Lateral Screrosis (ALS) - SNUH - Invited Seminar
  * (08/21/14) Department of Brain & Cognitive Science, Seoul National University - Seminar
  * (07/28/14) Bundang High School, Seongnam - Special Lecture
  * (07/17/14) Wearable Healthcare Workshop, KAIST - Invited Talk
  * (06/21/14) Annual CECLab EEG Workshop, Ilsan Paik Hospital - Invited Lecture
  * (05/30/14) Workshop held by Hanyang University R&SD Center - Invited Talk
  * (05/21/14) Workshop for Neuromarketing, ACED 2014, Jeju - Invited Talk
  * (05/19/14) Study Group for Neural Information Processing, SNUH - Invited Seminar
  * (05/08/14) Yushin High School, Suwon - Special Lecture
  * (04/29/14) Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Seoul National University - Invited Seminar
  * (04/01/14) Department of Biosystems, KAIST - Invited Seminar
  * (03/28/14) Symposium for Brain/Neuron Research, Catholic University - Invited Talk
  * (03/14/14) KETI, Sangam-dong, Seoul - Invited Seminar
  * (03/10/14) Brain Awareness Week (Hanyang U.) - Invited Lecture
  * (02/27/14) Center for Biosignal Measurement, Korea Research Institute of Standard and Science - Invited Seminar
  * (02/19/14) Hyundai-KIA Motor Company, Research Unit - Invited Lecture
  * (02/18/14) Winter Camp of Computational Neuroscience Society - Invited lecture
  * (02/10/14) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Kyung Hee University - Invited lecture
  * (02/04/14) SPIE Photonics West, BiOS conference - Invited Talk
  * (01/22/14) Seoul National University, Nano IP Enterprise Program - Invited Lecture
  * (01/21/14) Pioneer Research Center, Yonsei University - Invited Seminar
  * (11/28/13) Department of Communications Disorders, Ewha Womans Univ. - Invited Seminar
  * (11/23/13) Korea Society for Neuromodulation, Annual Conference - Invited Talk
  * (11/15/13) KIST Bionics Symposium 2013 - Invited Talk
  * (11/02/13) Korean Neurological Association, Annual Conference - Invited Talk
  * (10/31/13) International Forum of Sensory and Neuro-marketing - Invited Talk
  * (10/30/13) Practical Workshop for Statistics for MATLAB - Invited Lecture
  * (10/12/13) Study group on Neuroarchitecture - Invited Seminar
  * (10/11/13) Mini-workshop on Computational Neuroscience - Invited Talk
  * (09/26/13) Ann. Conference of The Korea Society for Brain and Neural Science - Invited Talk
  * (09/07/13) Conference on Cognitive Science (SNU, Korea) - Invited Talk
  * (08/29/13) Asia-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics 2013 (KIST, Korea) - Invited Talk
  * (07/22/13) Yonsei University Severance Hospital, Parkinson Study Group - Invited Seminar
  * (07/12/13) BMI Symposium: Recent Advances in BCI - Workshop Host & Introductory Talk
  * (06/29/13) EEG Workshop (CECLab Workshop) - Invited Lecture
  * (06/14/13) IT21 Global Conference, CoEX - Invited Talk
  * (06/05/13) International BCI Meeting 2013 - Invited Oral Presentation and Panel Discussion
  * (04/17/13) Samsung Electronics, Co. - Invited Seminar
  * (04/05/13) Ann. Conf. Korea Society of Biological Psychiatry - Invited Talk
  * (03/29/13) 1st Hanyang Biomedical Engineering Symposium - Invited Talk
  * (03/22/13) Yangsan HyeongJu Hospital - Invited Lecture
  * (03/22/13) Pusan National University, Dept. Cogn. Engn. - Invited Seminar
  * (03/16/13) Brain Awareness Week (Seoul National University Hospital) - Invited Lecture
  * (03/13/13) LG Electronics, Co. Production Tech. Lab. - Invited Talk
  * (03/11/13) Brain Awareness Week (Hanyang U.) - Invited Lecture
  * (02/22/13) Biomagnetics Korea (SNUH) - Invited Talk
  * (02/20/13) Korea Brain Engineering Conference 2013 - Invited Lecture
  * (02/02/13) Basics of EEG Processing and Matlab Scripting - Workshop Host
  * (01/30/13) Seoul National University, Nano IP Enterprise Program - Invited Lecture
  * (01/31/13) Winter Camp of Computational Neuroscience Society - Invited lecture
  * (01/28/13) Future Biomedical Engineering Workshop at Pusan - Seminar
  * (01/25/13) BMI Workshop at Hanyang University - Seminar
  * (01/22/13) Neuromarketing Research Group - Seminar
  * (01/21/13) LG Electronics, Co. - Seminar
  * (01/10/13) Biomedical Engineering Center, Chiang-Mai University, Thailand  - Invited Talk
  * (01/08/13) Dept. Electrical Eng., Ewha Womans University - Invited lecture
  * (11/29/12) Samsung Electronics - Invited lecture
  * (11/10/12) Annual Meeting of KOSOMBE - Tutorial Lecture
  * (10/29/12) LG Electronics - Invited Lecture
  * (10/27/12) 9th International Conference on U-Healthcare - Invited Talk
  * (10/19/12) 12th International Conf. Control, Automation, and Systems - Invited Talk
  * (09/27/12) Korea University Medical Center - Invited Seminar
  * (09/26/12) Dept. Biomed. Eng., Korea University - Invited Lecture
  * (09/19/12) Dept. Neuropsychiat., Gangnam Severance Hospital - Invited Seminar
  * (08/03/12) Basics of EEG Processing and Matlab Scripting - Workshop Host
  * (06/22/12) SNU EEG Data Center Workshop - Invited Talk
  * (06/09/12) CEC Workshop (Ilsan Paik Hospital) - Invited Seminar
  * (06/08/12) Korea Epilepsy Society Annual Conference - Invited Speaker
  * (05/30/12) Seoul National University, Dept. Bioeng. - Invited Lecture
  * (05/23/12) New Tech. Education Course in KAIST ICC - Invited Lecture
  * (05/22/12) Hanyang University Hospital - Seminar
  * (05/10/12) KETI, Korea - Seminar
  * (05/04/12) Korean Human Brain Mapping Scoeity Symposium - Invited Talk
  * (03/12/12) Brain Awareness Week (Hanyang U.) - Invited Talk
  * (02/26/12) App. Creation Center (Konyang University) - Invited Lecture
  * (02/24/12) Biomagnetics Korea (KRISS, Daejeon) - Invited Talk
  * (01/18/12) Seoul National University, Nano IP Enterprise Program - Invited Lecture
  * (12/09/11) Daegu Gyungbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) - Invited Talk
  * (12/08/11) Department of Biomedical Engineering, Ulsan University - Seminar
  * (12/08/11) Dept. Elect. Eng., Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) - Seminar
  * (11/25/11) Dasan Conference on Cosmic Brain Network - Invited Talk
  * (11/17/11) Medical App. Development Center, Konyang Unversity - Seminar
  * (11/13/11) Workshop for Noninvasive Brain Stimulation - Invited Talk
  * (10/19/11) Dept. Biomed. Eng., Konyang Unversity - Seminar
  * (10/05/11) Dept. Educational Eng., Hanyang University - Seminar
  * (09/09/11) Dept. Electrical Eng., Kyungbuk National University - Invited Seminar
  * (08/26/11) Society for Computational Neuroscience, Workshop - Invited Talk
  * (08/22/11) School of Education, Hanyang University - Seminar
  * (08/17/11) Severance Hospital MEG Center - Seminar
  * (06/25/11) Workshop on Functional Neuroimaging Using EEG - Invited Lecture
  * (06/24/11) Korean Epilepsy Society (KES) Annual Conference - Invited Lecture
  * (06/15/11) Korea Institute of Science and Technology - Invited Seminar
  * (06/03/11) Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology - Invited Lecture
  * (04/07/11) Korea University - Invited Seminar
  * (03/31/11) Symposium at Kyung Hee University - Invited Seminar
  * (03/19/11) Brain Awareness Week - Invited Talk
  * (03/18/11) Kyemyung University, Dept. Biomed. Eng. - Invited Seminar
  * (02/24/11) Biomagnetics Korea - Invited Talk
  * (01/29/11) Annual Meeting of YUSH Dept. Pediatric Neurology - Invited Seminar
  * (01/28/11) Joint Symposium between Korea and Netheland - Invited Talk
  * (12/04/10) Annual Conference of Korea Society of Applied and Industrual Mathematics - Invited Talk
  * (12/03/10) Dept. Biomed. Eng., KAIST - Workshop Invited Talk
  * (11/04/10) EEGLAB Workshop - Invited Lecture
  * (10/22/10) Annual Conference on Rehabilitation - Invited Talk
  * (10/02/10) Joint Conference on Signal Processing - Joongang University - Invited Talk
  * (06/12/10) Inje University Global Forum - Panel Discussion
  * (05/27/10) Dept. Math., Sookmyung Women's University - Seminar
  * (05/14/10) Korean Human Brain Mapping Society Annual Conference - Invited Talk
  * (05/07/10) Seoul National University Hospital - Invited Seminar
  * (02/26/10) Biomagnetics Korea 2010 - Invited Talk
  * (01/13/10) Joint Workshop of Yonsei Univ. and Ewha Womans Univ - Short Talk
  * (11/07/09) Noninvasive Brain Stimulation Symposium (KHBM) - Invited Talk
  * (10/28/09) Wonju Medical Instrumentation Technovalley - Invited Lecture
  * (10/15/09) ETRI in Daejeon - Seminar
  * (10/14/09) Soonchunhyang University, Dept. Medical IT - Invited Lecture
  * (10/06/09) Seoul National University Hospital, Dept. Neuropsychiatry - Seminar
  * (09/25/09) GIST Mechatronics Symposium - Invited Talk
  * (09/06/09) IEEE EMBS Annual Conference - Invited Talk
  * (08/20/09) Institute of Rehabilitation, National Rehabilitation Center - Seminar
  * (05/22/09) Dept. Biomed. Eng., Seoul National University Hospital - Seminar
  * (05/08/09) Dept. Biomed. Eng., Kyunghee University - Seminar
  * (03/23/09) Department of Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea University - Seminar
  * (03/21/09) Brain Awareness Week - Invited Talk
  * (03/13/09) Severance Hospital, Dept. Neurosurgery - Seminar
  * (02/27/09) 2009 Biomagnetics Korea - Invited Talk
  * (02/10/09) Samsung Medical Center (Dept. Rehabilitation)- Seminar
  * (01/20/09) Wonju Christian Hospital - Invited Lecture
  * (10/30/08) Yonsei University, Dept. EE - Invited Talk
  * (10/07/08) Korea Institute of Science and Technology - Invited Talk
  * (10/06/08) Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science - Seminar
  * (09/18/08) Severance Hospital - Seminar
  * (07/01/08) FMIC Workshop, KAIST fMRI center - Seminar
  * (06/28/08) Korean Epilepsy Society (KES) Annual Conference - Invited Lecture
  * (05/15/08) Hanyang University - Seminar
  * (05/02/08) Korea Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), KAIST - Invited Lecture
  * (05/02/08) Korea Human Brain Mapping (KHBM), KAIST - Tutorial
  * (04/18/08) Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) - Seminar
  * (04/11/08) Postech - Seminar
  * (02/29/08) 2008 Biomagnetics Korea - Invited Talk
  * (01/16/08) Joint Workshop of Yonsei Univ. and Ewha Womans Univ - Short Talk
  * (10/29/07) Short Term Lecture on Studies in BEM Lab - Invited Lecture
  * (09/15/07) Workshop for Practical MEG Analysis, SNUH MEG Center - Invited Lecture
  * (08/13/07) Short Term Lecture on EEG Measurement, MEETC, Yonsei University - Lecture
  * (07/04/07) FMIC Workshop, Yongpyeong Resort - Seminar
  * (02/23/07) 2007 Biomagnetics Korea - Invited Talk
  * (02/22/07) Inje Univresity, Ilsan Paik Hospital - Seminar
  * (01/26/07) Brain Image Processing Group Workshop - Seminar
  * (11/03/06) KOSOMBE Conference - Invited Talk
  * (09/14/06) Dept. Mathematics, Yonsei University - Invited Talk
  * (08/29/06) World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2006 - Invited Speaking
  * (08/23/06) FMIC Workshop, Kyung Hee University - Invited Talk
  * (07/26/06) Dept. Mathematics, Kunkook University - Invited Lecture
  * (07/01/06) Symposium, Catholic University Hospital - Invited Speaking
  * (04/18/06) Seoul National University Hospital - Invited Lecture
  * (03/28/06) Dept. Biomed. Eng., Kyung Hee University - Seminar
  * (03/24/06) Annual Meeting, National Institute of Mathematical Science - Invited Speaking
  * (02/17/06) Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science - Seminar
  * (01/26/06) MEG Center, University of Minnesota - Seminar