

한양대관리자 2014.08.02 Journal Impact Factor 2014.08. (JCR2013) 우리랩 논문 게재 저널
조회수 2,130

페이지 정보


최근 5년 간 우리 랩에서 논문을 쓴 저널들의 최신 Impact Factor


Clinical EEG and Neuroscience - 3.157
Brain Topography - 2.519
Neuroscience Research - 2.145
Seizure - European Journal of Epilepsy - 2.059
Epilepsy Research - 2.190

International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction - 0.723
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering - 0.800

Sleep Medicine - 3.100

Brain & Development - 1.542

Journal of Biomedical Optics - 2.752

Biomedical Optics Express - 3.497

Neuroscience Letters - 2.055

Electronics Letters - 1.068

Brain Research - 2.828

NeuroRehabilitation - 1.736

BMC Neuroscience - 2.845

Journal of Neuroscience Methods - 1.959

Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing - 1.500
Journal of Neural Engineering - 3.415
Physiological Measurement - 1.617
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering - 1.725
Physics in Medicine and Biology - 2.922
Journal of Clinical Neurology - 1.807
Optics Express - 3.525
Schizophrenia Research - 4.426
Journal of Applied Mathematics - 0.720
Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry - 4.025
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics - 1.213
Optics and Laser Technology - 1.649
Psychopharmacology - 3.988
NeuroImage - 6.132
Computers & Education - 2.630
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine - 1.018
Archives of Physical Medicince and Rehabilitation - 2.441