

한양대관리자 2013.10.26 Publication Updates
조회수 1,847

페이지 정보


The following paper has been accepted for publication in an SCI-indexed journal (Schizophrenia Research)


Do-Won Kim, Han-Sung Kim, Seung-Hwan Lee, and Chang-Hwan Im, "Positive and negative symptom scores are correlated with activation in different brain regions during facial emotion perception in schizophrenia patients: A voxel-based sLORETA source activity study," Schizophrenia Research, in press.


The following paper has been published in an SCI-indexed journal (Electronics Letters)


Chang-Hee Han, Han-Jeong Hwang, and Chang-Hwan Im, "Classification of visual stimuli with different spatial patterns for single-frequency, multi-class SSVEP BCI," Electronics Letters, vol. 49, no. 22, pp. 1374-1376, 2013.