* IEEE Transactions on Instumentation and Measurement (from 2005)
* IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (from 2005)
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* KIEE International Transactions (from 2006)
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* International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (from 2006)
* International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems (from 2006)
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* Journal of Korean Physical Society (from 2010)
* The Open Medical Imaging Journal (from 2008)
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* Journal of Korean Physical Society (from 2010)
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(from 2012)
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(from 2012)
* IEEE Transactions
on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (from 2012)
Journal of Neural Engineering (from 2012)
* IEEE Signal
Processing Letters (from 2013)
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Programs in Biomedicine (from 2013)
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Intefaces (from 2013)
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and Reports (from 2014)
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& Parkinsonism (from 2014)
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and Health Informatics (from 2014)
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* Neural Networks (from 2020)
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